In a shocking incident that unfolded in Chicago, a white Tesla Model X driver found themselves ensnared by a mob participating in a “street takeover” event, where traffic comes to a standstill, and motorists are subjected to terror by unruly hooligans. The situation took a harrowing turn as the vehicle was sat on, vandalized, and attacked, prompting the driver to attempt an escape, resulting in collisions with other cars. The most distressing aspect is that the Chicago police, for the most part, remained passive observers, intervening only momentarily to instruct the crowd to “back it up” as the driver struggled to flee.
This unsettling episode transpired near North Lower Columbus Drive and on Lower Wacker Drive, a multi-level street in downtown Chicago, around midnight.
Although the occupants of the Tesla have been identified as two 33-year-olds, the police have not disclosed information regarding the individuals involved in the mob, and as of now, no arrests have been made. An investigation into the incident is currently underway.
According to a spokesperson from the Chicago Police Department, the two individuals were “inside a vehicle on Lower Wacker Drive when they were approached by several unknown individuals who began to damage the car while they remained inside.” The situation escalated when the male victim, who was driving the Tesla, attempted to flee in the vehicle, resulting in a collision with a sedan in the 200 block of North Lower Columbus Drive.
Footage capturing the distressing ordeal shows the Tesla with its rear window smashed, making desperate attempts to escape from the throngs of teenagers who were not only damaging the vehicle but also sitting on it, taking selfies, and obstructing the driver from leaving the scene.
This alarming incident raises questions about public safety and the response of law enforcement to such “street takeover” events, as motorists are left vulnerable to the chaotic and dangerous actions of unruly crowds.