Suzanne Somers, a beloved actress renowned for her roles in sitcoms during the 70s and 80s, passed away at her California home on Sunday. Her publicist confirmed that she lost her battle with cancer while surrounded by her family. Suzanne Somers was known not only for her acting but also for her unapologetic views. She openly expressed her support for the 45th President, Donald Trump, and his economic policies, even in the face of criticism from some in Hollywood. She found humor in being a rare voice of praise for Trump in the entertainment industry.
In contrast, she was critical of the Obama administration, describing it as the most divisive in her lifetime and lamenting that industry pressure often silenced dissenting voices.
She was not alone in her support for Trump, with fellow sitcom star Scott Baio also publicly endorsing the former president.
Following the news of her passing, many expressed their condolences and sadness on social media. However, some used the occasion to criticize her for her political leanings, character, and her supposed betrayal of women.
Suzanne Somers was not only a celebrated actress but also a pioneer in fighting for fair pay for women in the entertainment industry. She began this battle at the age of 34.
R Couri Hay, a longtime publicist for Somers, released a statement announcing her peaceful passing at home, surrounded by her family. They had gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday on October 16 but instead will commemorate her extraordinary life.
Suzanne Somers leaves behind a lasting impact on the entertainment industry and a legacy of resilience and advocacy.